Preparatory Class For Sec 1 Mathematics (Nov/Dec Holiday)
For PSLE graduating students onto Sec 1
中 一 初 级 数 学 假 期 预 备 班

About the course
This popular and authentic 5-lessons preparatory class for Sec 1 math in November/December was originally developed and taught personally by our Education Director cum founder, Mr Henry Ow, whose aim is to help Pri 6 graduating students to equip themselves with essential Sec 1 math concepts and skills before moving on to their secondary schools in the new course year, hence effectively preparing them for secondary 1.
Lesson Objective

Mr Ow is featured on various mainstream media for his Sec 1 Math Preparatory Class
Importance for our Pri 6 child to get ready for Sec 1 Math
As the transitional stage of applying the correct concepts from primary school methodology of adopting parts and units models to secondary school approach of using algebra and algebraic equations for math is not a straight forward process, many Sec 1 students did not adapt well to the changes of concepts required during the first semester. Some may start to struggle or even failing math subsequently due to lack of key foundation and concepts that are required for secondary math.
Since then, many Sec 1 students who had attended this bridging programme had continued to do well in their secondary mathematics school exams, the 'N' and the 'O' Levels. A number of students have even emerged as Top scorer for mathematics in their respective schools! (Refer to our List of Past Years Top Scorers), attributing their high mathematics scores achievement to this prep class which they had attended.
.... Testimonials from Past Students
Cassandra - Junyuan Sec, is a participant of our Sec 1 Math prep course and stayed all the way with our centre till she completed her 'O' Level examinations. She wrote a testimonial personally to Mr Ow before her graduation..
'Dear Mr Ow,
Back in Primary School, my Math was never good. But ever since you started teaching me, I've gotten nothing but A1s in my Secondary school life. Math has become my favourite subject in my school and I would really like to thank you for that. Thank you for being such a great teacher...

Passionate in helping students to fill up these gaps during the Pri 6 to Sec 1 transitional period, Mr Ow then developed a curriculum teaching students various essential concepts which can help students to bridge the gaps and yet can effectively cover the concepts and skills needed for Sec 1 mathematical topics. The first run of the 5-lessons course was started in year 1998.

Classes available for
'LIVE' Online / In-Person at ctr

For more details,
call us:
Tel: 6787 0562 (Tampines) 6387 3633 (Hougang)
Whatsapp Admin:
8542 8688

Jonathan was a participant in our Sec 1 Math Prep Programme. He continued as a regular student and had recently achieved a high score of 99 / 100 for his Sec 2 End-Year Math Exam.

Greendale Sec Sch
A1s, 2024
Our upcoming classes in Nov & Dec 2024...
Schedule 1: Wed 2.30pm - 4.30pm
(20, 27 Nov + 4, 11, 18 Dec 2024)
Schedule 2: Thu 2.30pm - 4.30pm
(21, 28 Nov + 5, 12, 19 Dec 2024)
Schedule 3: Sat 11.15am - 1.15pm
(FULL) (23 Nov + 7, 14, 21, 28 Dec 2024)
Schedule 4: Fri 2.30pm - 4.30pm
(22, 29 Nov + 6, 13, 20 Dec 2024)
Schedule 5: Mon 6pm - 8pm
(25 Nov, 9, 16, 23, 30 Dec 2024)
Schedule 6: Mon 10.30am - 12.30pm
(25 Nov + 9, 16, 23, 30 Dec 2024)
Schedule 7: Fri 10.30am - 12.30pm
(22, 29 Nov + 6, 13, 20 Dec 2024)
Click 'Register Now' to book this course online
(Online system will close once vacancies are filled up)
Registration available now
Mr Ow graduated from the NIE/NTU with a Master of Arts degree majored in Educational Management. With more than 20 years of managing & teaching experiences in the private education industry, he specialized in 'Alternative Learning' helping primary & secondary students and easing their ability in learning academic math with many eventually emerged as Top math students in their respective schools. He is Founder & Educational Director of Cleverland Tutorial Centre and curriculum developer of the popular Sec 1 Math Preparatory Class for Pri 6 students.
Course Fee: S$360.00 (Register Now
Limited Vacancies)
Cash, Cheque or NETS Payment at
our branches or Paynow
All fees include tutorial & printed study materials. All students are required to bring their own scientific calculators on lesson day.